In celebration of Mid-Autumn Harvest, Moon Festival, and Indigenous Peoples Day, join us for a guided experience of Taiji, tea, and stories.

Join Peninsula Open Space Trust for a celebration of Mid-Autumn Harvest, Moon Festival, and Indigenous Peoples Day, join us for a guided experience of Taiji, tea, and stories with Taiji teacher VC Tang and support from the San Mateo County Office of Arts and Culture

Taiji is a meditative martial art practiced for vitality and healing. During this quiet morning excursion, we will cover Silk-Reeling Exercises, a set of repetitive spiral movements and joint rotations that relax the muscles, increase joint mobility, and clear obstructions in qi flow. They emphasize rootedness, alignment and sinking. They also serve as drills to familiarize and train the body in preparation for martial forms.

As an entry to autumn and slowing down, based on principles of spaciousness and Yin Yang philosophy, we will sip on VC’s favorite tea as they share stories of how Taiji taught them, as a lifelong urbanite, to connect to both their body and to natural landscapes as interdependent ecosystems. As an alternative way of being to non-stop, back-to-back days – this gathering creates a calm oasis in busy lives that invites curiosity and joy through the simplicity of trees, birds, wind, and water.

To sign up, please register using a valid e-mail so you receive your e-ticket & the pre-event instructions.

Please note that dogs are not allowed at this Community Event and that all minors must be accompanied by a parent and guardian for the entirety of the event.

COVID-19 Guidelines: We ask that you do not attend this event if you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms including: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea. Masks are not required but recommended. You will be asked to confirm agreement to this policy during the registration process.

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