If you’re looking for where to go hiking near San Jose, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve profiled tons of local options in a recent city-wide blog post. But I have to tell you, some of the most scenic hiking near San Jose is just south of the city in Coyote Valley.

As one of the only large valley floors in the Bay Area that hasn’t been paved over and developed, Coyote Valley is truly special. If you have a minute, the history of this place is pretty interesting. You’ll be surprised to hear what almost went down (including the potential headquarters of Apple). The short story though, is that we’re incredibly lucky to still have this landscape to enjoy.

But the work isn’t done just yet. The Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan is currently underway. Its purpose is to restore and protect this last intact connection between the Santa Cruz Mountains and the Diablo Range. The plan aims to restore the landscape, support its vibrant ecosystem, and preserve its natural beauty for all people, forever. As community engagement is a huge part of this master plan, we encourage you to participate in the preservation and get involved!

And in the meantime, get your boots on and go shake it loose on these hiking trails in San Jose’s backyard:


Máyyan ‘Ooyákma Coyote Ridge

Hiking in San Jose - POST

Overview: A 1,859-acre preserve that opened to the public in 2023.

Preserve information and map: Click here

Managing agency: Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

More about this preserve: The Máyyan ‘Ooyákma – Coyote Ridge Open Space Preserve has a large area of rare serpentine grasslands, which explode with wildflowers every spring. It is also a hot spot for birds, including golden eagles, Anna’s hummingbirds and many others. The views looking into Coyote Valley and across to Loma Prieta, the tallest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains, are also world-class. Visit the preserve’s project page to learn more.


Coyote Valley Open Space Preserve

Hiking in San Jose - POST

Overview: A 348-acre preserve with multiple trail options 20 minutes from downtown San Jose.

Best time to visit: Late March to mid-April (for spring wildflowers)

Activities: Hiking, biking, horseback riding

Driving directionsClick here to open map

Preserve information and trail map: Click here

Managing agency: Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority

Our favorite hike: Follow the Arrowhead Loop Trail for four miles around the perimeter of the preserve for great views of the valley below. There are shorter options available too, including the easy out-and-back to the southern vista area along the Arrowhead Loop Trail. It is only 1.7 miles round trip with a gentle 170-foot climb and provides one of the best views in the preserve. Note that there is an ADA compliant bathroom at the parking area, but the trail surfaces here are loose gravel and steep, not ideal for wheelchairs.


Coyote Creek Trail

Hiking in San Jose - POST

Overview: A mostly flat, paved trail along the Coyote Creek (and it’s dog-friendly!)

Best time to visit: All year, but can be hot in the summer months

Activities: Hiking, biking, dog-friendly, wheelchair accessible

Preserve information and map: Click here

Managing agency: Santa Clara County Parks

Our favorite hike: San Jose’s Coyote Creek Trail will one day provide users with a 30-mile trail experience from the edge of the Bay to the headwaters of Coyote Creek. There are many existing sections of this trail you can enjoy today. Our favorite section starts at Metcalf Park and follows the trail south for a mile to a bridge that crosses Coyote Creek, which you can read about more in depth here. You can walk further, but this section provides great views and there’s a playground at Metcalf Park for the kids to enjoy.



Learn more about our work protecting Coyote Valley.



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Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) protects open space on the Peninsula and in the South Bay for the benefit of all. Since its founding in 1977, POST has been responsible for saving more than 89,000 acres as permanently protected land in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. Learn more

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