If you live in one of the Bay Area’s nine counties, you’re going to want to pay attention to ballot Measure AA. If passed, Measure AA would approve a $12 annual parcel tax for all nine Bay Area counties. The revenue from this tax would go toward protecting and restoring the San Francisco Bay.

If approved, Measure AA would benefit all residents of the San Francisco Bay, including local wildlife like this burrowing owl. Photo by Glenn Nevill

This is a historic opportunity for the Bay Area to protect our quality of life. Measure AA would create a stable revenue source to restore wetland and wildlife habitat, increase public access around the bay and safeguard our communities from coastal flooding.

It’s an exciting time to be a voter in the Bay Area, especially for nature lovers looking to make an impact. Before you cast your vote, here’s what you need to know about Measure AA:

  1. $12 parcel tax for all nine Bay Area counties to help protect and restore the San Francisco Bay
  2. The tax will raise $25 million annually for 20 years ($500 million in total)
  3. The revenue will go toward reducing trash, pollution, improving water quality, restoring habitat for fish, birds and wildlife, protecting communities from floods, and increasing recreational access
  4. The revenue will be required to be spent in all nine counties over the 20-year life of the tax and 50% must be spent on a population-weighted basis
  5. The measure needs approval from ⅔ of all nine counties in order to pass
  6. Recent polling suggests the measure could pass if there’s strong voter turnout
  7. The measure was put on the ballot by San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority, a regional government agency established in 2008 with the sole purpose of raising funds to protect the Bay Area’s natural resources.

To learn more about the specifics of Measure AA via Yes on AA.

Before you go, there’s another ballot measure you should be aware of. This June, Santa Clara County voters will be deciding on Measure A, an opportunity to increase funding for the County’s parks. Hear what you need to know about Measure A in this recent blog post (LINK).


About Post

Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) protects open space on the Peninsula and in the South Bay for the benefit of all. Since its founding in 1977, POST has been responsible for saving more than 89,000 acres as permanently protected land in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. Learn more

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