Join Peninsula Open Space Trust for an easy, guided walk along the Bay Trail starting from Cooley Landing in East Palo Alto!

Guests will be guided by a POST ambassador, who will share about the natural history of the San Francisco Bay tidal wetlands! You will also learn about the history of people and reflect on layers of change in East Palo Alto, including pre-colonial times, the city’s agricultural past, the many cultural groups who have settled there and the complex social forces that are shaping the area today.

This walk is an easy, 2.8-mile round trip on a flat, paved trail with no elevation gain. The walk will be guided at a moderate pace that should be comfortable for all ability levels and even guests with strollers. Bring sun protection, water, snacks, good walking shoes and anything else that will make for a comfortable hike!

Please register using a valid e-mail so you receive your e-ticket & the pre-event instructions.

Please note that dogs are not allowed on this walk, and that all minors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian for the entirety of the event.

This event is part of POST’s community event series. These events are open to the general public as well as POST donors, and we hope you will join us! We also curate a separate series of private events for our donor community. Learn more about how you can support POST here:

**Please note this hike is subject to cancellation due to inclement weather. Keep an eye on your inbox closer to the date of the event for updates and news**

COVID-19 Guidelines: In compliance with the state of California Department of Public Health Guidance, we ask that all unvaccinated individuals wear a mask while participating in this event unless otherwise exempt. Masks are not required for vaccinated individuals during this event. In addition, we ask that you do not attend this event if you are experiencing any COVID-19 related symptoms including: fever or chills; cough; shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fatigue; muscle or body aches; headache; new loss of taste or smell; sore throat; congestion or runny nose; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea. You will be asked to confirm agreement to this policy during the registration process.

About Cooley Landing & Ravenswood Preserve

Cooley Landing Park is located on a peninsula at the eastern end of Bay Road in the City of East Palo Alto. Operated by the City, the park was created in partnership with Midpen which owns portions of the peninsula as part of Ravenswood Open Space Preserve. To the south lies the Palo Alto Baylands Nature Preserve, known for the highest concentration of the endangered Ridgway’s Rail (Rallus obsoletus) in the world.

Like other Bayfront preserves and parks, Cooley Landing is part of the San Francisco Bay Estuary. This broad area is considered a wetland of international importance and is an important stop on the Pacific Flyway. It includes unparalleled marshes and mudflats along the shoreline that provide food and shelter to fish and wildlife and account for 77% of California’s remaining perennial estuarine wetlands.

POST’s involvement: In 1999, POST purchased the Cooley Landing Site and in 2006 transferred the property to the City of East Palo Alto. Cooley Landing is the site of a former county dump and extensive efforts were taken to cleanup and transform the area into the park that it is today. POST also acquired northern portions of Ravenswood Preserve and transferred these to Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District.

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